Kermit 與 Miss Piggy 分手了 


發布時間: 2015/08/05 13:29

最後更新: 2015/08/05 13:52



相片來源:The Muppets facebook

不知道大家還記得以前看過的《The Muppets》嗎?裏面哪個角色又最得你喜歡呢?

無論你喜愛那一個角色,相信裏面的Kermit the Frog和Miss Piggy 一定給你留下印象。因爲他們在劇中是以情侶的關係登場。但是,這對甜蜜的小情侶最近卻宣佈分手了,讓一眾粉絲惋惜和不捨。


After careful thought, thoughtful consideration and considerable squabbling, Miss Piggy made the difficult decision to terminate our romantic relationship. We will continue to work together on television (“The Muppets”/Tuesdays 8pm this fall on ABC) and in all media now known or hereafter devised, in perpetuity, throughout the universe. However, our personal lives are now distinct and separate, and we will be seeing other people, pigs, frogs, et al. This is our only comment on this private matter. Thank you for your understanding.

Kermit 指,與Miss Piggy爭吵後曾作仔細考慮,二人終於作出了艱難的分手決定。Kermit指,二人仍然會和以前一樣在熒幕前合作。

相片來源:Kermit the Frog's facebook

究竟Kermit和Miss Piggy 為何要結束愛情長跑?原來Kermit 已經有新歡!Television Critics Association Twitter 指,Kermit已有了新女朋友,名字叫做Denise,在ABC工作。

相片來源:Television Critics Association

這段情感被宣告結束之際,網民紛紛留言,為Kermit 及Miss Piggy「箍煲」,有網民請Kermit再和Miss Piggy傾傾,看看有沒有轉彎餘地,更稱:

If ever there was an example of ture love , it was you two.

